Concret Beauty

Walking back from the store I saw this beauty growing up from the concret.


2 Chubby Boys

I always had a crush on the dough Boy. The way he could pop out of that roll was really hot. I actually got a little jelous when Pop’n Fresh came on the scene.
I just was given the blue statue and now i have two favorite Chubby Boys.
Adorable aren’t they!



Just a preview of what I’m working on.

Sorry I posted from phone and picture is sideways.

The sky is gray and heavy
The rains make the sidewalk slippery
Inertia frustration weigh heavy upon me
In stillness I watch the after glow



I was listening to the Rabbi speak at Chabad. He spoke about how Jews never count people directly. The hidden meaning behing words, symbols and stories. Then he spoke about Pekudei. The need to understand the impact of our actions. Many cultures tell stories there was even a movie the moth or butterfly effect. The Rabbi spoke about how we were given free will and the slightest action towards good or evil could tip the scales.
I know I am leaving a great deal out but after decades it finally hit home that I count. I do and can make a difference.
This took me back to a painting i had been struggling with

There was something haunting about the woman but I was not happy with the painting. I began to think of the Rabbis words. What counts and what is hidden. The painting is no finished but here. It is at the moment.


Sunset in Vegas

Just thought I would share some of the beauty of Las Vegas.


No Smoking

I was standing in line to enter the library this morning when I noticed the no smoking sign. Yes, that is an outdoor ashtray. Mixed mess


One Of Those Days

Ran hills & burned 275 cal to start the day. Made a cup of coffe poured distilled water in instead of milk. Started a painting kept dipping my brush in the coffee so I guess it’s good i was using acryllic paint. Although the painting is not finished it is coming along so all is good.


Uneeda bisquite



Meditation on Red Rocks



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