So What Have You Been Up To?

Got a call from a friend I haven’t seen in awhile asking that simple question.
Let’s see? Where do I begin?
Wednesday I attended a traditional cacoa ceremony. Don’t think I will go into detail just to say I am off chocolate for awhile.
Friday I went down to the police station to speak with a Sargent I met once before. We discussed the benefit of shotgun versus 357 or rifle to kill rattlesnakes and mohave green. I did ask him if it was true what Tom Sawer said about when you kill a rattler its mate comes after it/ you. He laughed and said he remembered reading that but it is not true. As I was leaving he said remember to cut off and keep the rattles. That stopped me. I turned to reply if I shoot one I will bring it in for him to cut off the rattles. He smiled and said that will work. How many of you can walk into the local police station and discuss guns? What a nice man.
Update on the alum can. I have started putting up wire mess getting ready to lay on the concrete. Monday the electrician comes so I will wait until after. It will depend on the need for access under the trailer.

I stained the dinning area of the paperbag floor.


It has gotten cold and I need to cut more wood today. Here is a shot of my chain saw in pieces to be cleaned.

Well, I’m inside now, fire is burning and I am laying out ceramic tile for an entryway. Of course the pups came by for their treats. But really, what have I been up to? Not much. Just the usual.

Gathering Wood

Went far out to Coronado to gather wood to heat up the alum can. It was a busy day for border patrol. Helicopters flew overhead unsure if they were”customs” or drug smugglers we worked fast and stayed closer together than the last time.

Border patrol flew down the dirt road for awhile in trucks moving in both directions. I still have out of state plates ( thank you DMV long story) and my truck was 1/4 mile up the road so I was a little nervous and walked back and forth a number of times.
Activity settled down and the second truck was almost full so we broke for a tailgate picnic.
Just as the last crumb was flicked away and a large round drop of mustard fell onto the center of my white tee shirt 3 ATV border patrol drove up and stopped. Dressed like swat in black and deep green strapped with weapons and protective attire it was frightening. The closest lifted the tinted visor of his black helmet and smiled! A friendly smile asked if we were okay. I am sure part of it was curiosity even with a truck full of wood but it was nice. I asked if I could have a ride back to my truck. He apologized it wasn’t allowed and they took off.
One thing I learned is if you want to get ride of someone ask for a favor. And if he said yes I’d have gotten a ride on a cool ATV.

Of course when I was unloading the wood the pups came by. Do you think they’d lift a paw to help? Ha!


A Toaster and Hammer

I bought a toaster today. Every few years I buy a toaster because mine just seem to disappear. I now have 3 hammers in the alum can and one in the truck. Hammers used to disappear too. I am beginning to think that my hammers and toasters have a thing going. I am just not sure how the hammers find their way back home after the break up and the toasters never reappear.

I lived in Vegas so I don’t think they ran off there. Then again I have never been to the Far East or India or Hawaii perhaps my hammers and toasters are honeymooning on the big island.

The toaster has to be female because she is the only one capable of popping out little hammer head toasters.


Adventures in an Aluminum Can

So it is the day of new year eve should be getting ready for my new mattress and box springs delivery. Well, that’s not happening. Changes in delivery so I won’t have a bed until mid-January. I can deal with that you can’t miss what you don’t have right?  Instead of getting ready to go to town for tonight’s festivities my toilet tank stops filling and I become a master plumber.

Why doesn’t it fill? Google says I need a new fill tank thing. In the meantime I take my spanner and dis connect the flexible hose that runs water into the tank suspiciously nothing is coming through. But what do I know Google says it is the tank thing which doesn’t look like any one I have ever seen. I bang and scrape a bit knocking off calcium and other crystals and a tiny drips falls.

Okay, it is noon and nothing seems to be changing so it qualifies as needing a run into town. Off I go first to the Dollar stores and finally to my friendly but expensive hardware store. Blah blah blah the salesman shows me this and that. Bob and weave and I rush back to try his suggestions. Now they close in 45 minutes and nothing has worked so I race back down the mountain. This time I speak to the plumbing expert who tells me it sounds like my pipes are frozen.  That doesn’t make sense since all the other water spouts work but she thinks I should crawl under the aluminum can and inspect the pipes.

That is not gonna happen!

I do know that when she starts talking eventually she will strike gold. She shows me a replacement kit and flexible hose. Tells me to get a wire and clean out the hose and….. her voice goes into Charlie Brown mode because I think the hose is the problem. Just in case and since it is new years eve and no one will be open tomorrow and I would like to be able to flush for a few days I buy all the parts. The first piece I replace is the flexible hose and water flows.  I knew it wasn’t a frozen pipe. As luck would have it the piece I just bought is too short. So before I start breaking parts that look like they might just still work I push the wire through the old hose run it under hot water to clear it out reattach, turn on the water flow and bingo the tank starts running like a river. All is well and in two days I will return the unnecessary purchase.

I did learn a number of good survival techniques and truths about living on well water. One of her suggestions was to buy a water filter that goes on the pipe bringing water into the alum can. That sounds like an excellent solution for avoiding new crisis.

So the old year closes on a high note and welcomes in a new adventure.

photo 1photo 2I know the aluminum can doesn’t look like much now but just wait until I post what the inside remodel looks like and create a veneer.

Amazing Day

It is now sundown on one wonderful and amazing day.

photo-245As I walked into the kitchen this morning just after dawn the birds were noisily eating their breakfast when the brightest most beautiful red fills the full size picture window. By full size I mean wall to wall floor to ceiling window. A red cardinal by my best guess. Totally read head and chest and I do believe the bottom of the wings were red as well. I would have taken a photograph for you but I didn’t dare move. He was magnificent.

Event #2 It rained a bit last night so all the cardboard I loaded into my truck was just heavy enough not to blow away as I raced down the hyway to the recycle bins. I found them, dumped, and headed to point 3.

Event #3 The post office. I mailed 3 letters and one to DMV for my truck title. By now I am feeling terrific having accomplished 3 things with no detours.

Event #4 Gym. went to the gym and had a great workout. Nice sauna and steam then headed home.

Event #5 Yummy lunch then off to the library.

Event #6 The library is always enjoyable. Returned 2 books and took out 2 more.

Event #7 And oh so special. Stopped to visit a shop keeper I met one time. He remembered my name and greeted me so friendly. I actually did all my holiday shopping right then and there. Totally unexpected and unplanned. We hugged and I left.

Event #8 Put a 3 legged log in the wood stove and gathered some kindling. Then took a photograph of the evening fall.

Event #9 saying hello and good evening to you all. I hope your day was as awesome as mine.


In the middle of the night the heat switched off. Too cold and dark to do anything so I snuggled under the blankets until sunrise.
I’m not a big fan of electricity having been struck by lightening and a second time standing in water as electric current ran through it and me.
So here I am flipping switches to no avail. I walk around the place until i find another box at a right angle so it is impossible to see inside and caged up behind chicken wire and mesh. I rip that apart and see a switch. Can’t tell what it might control but I flip it on and off a few times.
Returning inside I mess with the circuit breaker some more. Finally get power and start the mini Mr. coffee. Power goes off. Walk outside to the power pole and look at it for awhile. Definitely NOT going to pull that handel!
Repeat earlier actions off on on off walk away and repeat. Something seems to have worked and a light bulb stays on for a few minutes.
Off the DMV to exchange my license and tags. A 30 mile drive easy road. Only to find out i forgot to bring my passport drive back get passport but can’t find title. Drive 40 miles in the other direction to the “big city” thinking they might be able to communicate via internet about the title. No luck. The photobooth is broken so no license pictures can be taken and no I must get the title.
Back the 40 plus 10 to the library to use a computer to print a form. It will be $35 for the title and $9 to process.
Well, at least I accomplished something I got a form and books to read.
Back at the house i figure I really need to accomplish something today. So I fill the bed of the truck with some of the trash the previous owner left me. I drive to the dump or refuse recycling service, only to find the gate being locked. It is 3:05 of course it closes at 3 pm. He smiled and told me to come back at 7:30 am. So i drive back home with a truck full of trash.
I am beginning to worry about the broken mirror. Do you think it has anything to do with today?

Don’t Put The Fat Suit On

I have an amazing gifted friend who used to be fat. Should I be polite and say heavy or plump but with a beautiful face? No, I will say fat because that is the label hateful jealous people use. Over 2 years ago she lost through hard work and determination more than 100 pounds. She has kept it off.
Let me tell you a little about her. She sings like an angel. Opera, rock, popular music teaches voice and touches your heart. Her sound is healing. This of course was safe while she was fat.
Remember the story of the overweight secretary who lost weight? Everyone brought her biggest temptation, jelly doughnuts to fatten her up. She was getting too much attention at work and in her social life. They couldn’t handle it so instead of improving themselves they focused on destroying her.
So as the haters and doubters chip away protect your spirit. The essence of you shines brightly. Once called back the spirit is delicate. Protect it by loving and believing in yourself.
Back to my beautiful friend, she has just married and together with her musician husband has a CD coming out. She is embarking on her focus, her integrity is in tacked. Can we all say that? When the hateful jealous ones try to stuff us into a fat suit, that no longer fits, of insecurity, fear and doubt
don’t put it on.
Don’t wear what no longer fits. What no longer nor has ever been you. Hurt kills. Do not die in pain. To life!

Cedar and Cookies

Finally finished nailing up my cedar plank wall. All I have to do is frame up the sides with a long plank around the window. It smells fantastic when you open the door.  You can see a piece of the 2″ thick pine wood door. It is amazing how the place is beginning to look and feel like a home. There is some much more to do but a cookie would be perfect about now. Relax with some Earl Grey Tea and an oatmeal raisin cookie. Ummm ………. reality check.

I live on the side of a mountain, no cookies. guess it will be me, tea and a crackling fire. There is always tomorrow.


Memory Foam

Monsoon season hit Las Vegas and I was waiting for a friend. The wind outside had been steadily getting stronger and the clouds finally burst dumping a torrent of rain accompanied by thunder and lightening. I ran for cover. It just so happened to be a department store closing and having a 50% off sale. As I walked about I saw a few things that would be fun to have but not needed. Wandering into the shoe department I saw a pair of running shoes, the only pair, and they happened to be just my size. I tried them on not expecting them to fit being full of some odd padding called memory foam.

Wow! They fit and were extremely, comfortable. So I left the store and went to meet my friend. The rain had stopped and if it was meant to be the sneakers would be there if I returned.

About 45 minutes later I went back. Someone had looked at the shoes but not purchased them. I could tell the box was open. I tried on both and both shoes fit perfectly even though the box was labeled “Display Model”.  As I walked about the store carrying the shoes debating to purchase or not I began to wonder. What exactly is memory foam?

What would my shoes remember? Unlike Hansel and Gretel would I now never get lost? The words I sometimes forget would they now need simply a shake of my foot to come to mind? Perhaps they are a snitch and will tell about every step I took and if I unknowingly stepped on a bug.  Memory foam could be some type of alien life form.  I tried them on again and sat for a moment seeing if I could feel the memory of others whose feet have gone before me. I felt nothing. Finally I bought the shoes.

Yesterday I wore them as I needed to go to the supermarket. Bravely I did not take a shopping list. There was no need to, I was proudly wearing memory foam. Perhaps this is the cure for forgetfulness or senior moments? I marched up and down the isles and all was going well until I balked. My feet refused to continue on. I looked up I had been down this isle before. I sent the foam a mental message that I was only cutting through as it was a shorter path and suddenly my feet were freed to continue. 

Returning home I removed my shoes and looked inside at the memory foam wondering what it was thinking or remembering about out adventure. Who would it tell. If someone came by and put on my shoes would they know all that I have done? would they be privy to my memories? Is nothing sacred any more?  I hope they only remember the good times.

As I told my son about my memory foam concerns, what would they remember, would they share the memories, could it be the next great cure? He asked the question only a boy could ask,”Mom, seriously, you are over thinking this. Were they comfortable?”

Oh, and yes, they were extremely comfortable.

Stone bubbles


I spent a few days down in Arizona so close to the Mexican border I could have touched it, if not for border patrol.  The mountains here are beautiful. Everyone told us we had to to make a stop at the rock lady. Not being especially geological or a collector of rocks I wasn’t moved but being an adventurous soul I was curious and excited to see what would cause people to drive that far into the desert to buy a bucket of rocks.

The rocks were stunning! From red to turquoise, to unpolished Apache tears and raw rubies to ? Of course all the crystals and such but around the corner was a pile of almost perfect round bubbles. Heavy solid bubbles.  These bubbles were formed underwater in hot springs. The sandstone mixes with the sulfurous gases that escape under the water and harden into solid bubbles.  This one was given to me.

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